Tax data reveals there are 9,186 non-homesteaded single-family homes in the Abilene area owned by 5,615 entities / individuals. It is our presumption that these properties are used as rentals and we have summarized this information with a ranking for each owner.
This data contains summary information on built sqft, land sqft, total tax value of properties owned, average age of properties owned and number of properties owned. A unit count by school district – Wylie ISD and Abilene ISD is also included. Each row in this data set represents an owner.
According to the data, appraised value of investment property portfolios ranged from $10,453,585 (which, according to some, may not be classified as a true landlord as these properties are for retirement housing) to $344 with an average appraised value of $105,641. The amount of rentable sqft owned by an investor was, on average, 2,236 sqft with sqft owned ranging from 144,645 to 288. These properties had a average age of 53 years with a average build date of 1961.
Using NTREIS data with an average rent/sqft for 2013 of 68¢, an estimation of annual rental income for each landlord was developed. According to this estimation, annual revenue by owner ranged from $1,180,303 to $2,350 with an average annual income for landlords totaling $17,570. The annual contribution to the local economy arising from the rental of these properties totals $102,461,366 which is generated by a appraised summation of $593,172,203 or 17¢ on each dollar of appraised value.
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