These properties are listed by Barnett & Hill. Ranging from undeveloped land to developed commercial, they all could purposed beyond their current use. The theme here is highest and best use, a term used by real estate professionals and appraisers to identify the what use would maximize value for an investor. Your assignment: if you could turn this property into something more valuable, what would it be?
To assist you with this project, 6 invididuals who work in real estate have agreed to be your project liaison.
- Lewis Bergman - real estate investor, part-owner Strong Ready-Mix, owner Texas Communications. Undergraduate degree in Accounting from Abilene Christian University.
- Grant Cunningham - real estate attorney, First Financial Trust & Asset Management. Undergraduate degree from Abilene Christian University; JD from Texas Tech University.
- Nathan Hathorn - owner of Silverthorn Insurance, real estate investor. Undergraduate degree from Abilene Christian University.
- Brandon Heard - real estate agent, Barnett & Hill. Undergraduate degree in Economics from Hardin-Simmons University
- Matt Price - attorney with the Ladyman Law Firm, real estate agent with McCullar Properties. Undergraduate degree from Texas Tech University in Energy Commerce, JD from Texas Tech University.
- Taylor Sturgis - owner Key Appraisal Group. Undergraduate degree in Finance from Abilene Christian University.
These individuals possess good insights that can inform the way you answer the question of highest and best use for your parcel. Each group will be assigned one liaison to assist you with your development of highest and best use plan.
The links below provide an overview of each property. There is an additional link to an unpriced property at 1 Industrial in Sweetwater that is not in the gridded list of properties. I've also provided a copy of this list as a spreadsheet if you find that a better way to assess. You need to:
- Connect with your groups assigned on Canvas (I used Canvas' random group assignment feature to assemble groups). The groups are:
- Group A: Micah Burrow, Mason Graham, Peyton Hill, Jeremiah Presley, Femi Sakiri 6000 Buffalo Gap Rd
- Group B: Logan Bible, Ben Marcinkowski, Nathan Marshall, Sam O'Quinn, Desi Smith 441 Willow
- Group C: Blake Hill, Samuel Hines, Ashton Perez, Josh Springer - 809 S 2nd
- Group D: Brielle Buchanan, Brooke Bullock, Mckenzie Cantwell, Cooper Goggans - property near Belle's Chicken
- Group E: Aliyah Anderson, Sam Roberts, Shannon Sosebee, Sterling Weilert - 189 Locust
- Group F: Sloan Irwin, Yuliana Jaramillo, Conner Ruffin, Matthew Trow 4109 Ridgemont
- Review these properties - solo and with your group - and identify 6 properties you'd like to analyze for your highest and best use project. Caucus with your group and come up with a ranking of the six you like best.
- Once you've identified 6, rank these properties using the form on this page - just pull your team's 6 to the top of the list, rank by position, and ignore the rest. Select your team and hit submit.
- I'll confirm your choice with your team. To resolve ties, this is a first-come, first-serve process - if three teams pick the same property, the property goes to the earliest team timestamped submission. I'll update the page as groups select their properties.